Maybe this is the most intuitive form of music making: to pick up an instrument and simply start to play it. Where is which note? One learns this in short time by heart - with these instruments, one does not think about music, one simply plays it! Hohner's Panther is its most affordable 3 row accordion. It shares many of the same quality features as other Hohner three-row diatonic accordions and has double strap brackets. Features: Treble Buttons: 31 (3 rows) Bass/Chord Buttons: 12 Treble Reeds: 2 sets Key Combination: FBE Color: Painted Matte Black Weight: 9 lbs. Size: 7.5" deep by 12" high
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Maybe this is the most intuitive form of music making: to pick up an instrument and simply start to play it. Where is which note? One learns this in short time by heart - with these instruments, one does not think about music, one simply plays it! Hohner's Panther is its most affordable 3 row accordion. It shares many of the same quality features as other Hohner three-row diatonic accordions and has double strap brackets. Features: Treble Buttons: 31 (3 rows) Bass/Chord Buttons: 12 Treble Reeds: 2 sets Key Combination: FBE Color: Painted Matte Black Weight: 9 lbs. Size: 7.5" deep by 12" high
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